Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Chronos Devouring his Sun

When this whole working from home thing started, I was a little nervous. But now? I have so much time on my hands I’m starting to think there are more than 24 hours in a day. I’ve become such a superb time manager, friends have started calling me “Chronnie Mack.” Can you believe it?

Whatever it is, I can’t get enough of it. Maintaining two jobs was easy. I merely needed to acquire positions in alternate time zones, like a technical support representative based in Malaysia and whatever I can scrounge back here in America. But that’s nothing. I’m much more ambitious than that. Yes, my career, both of them, remain important, but with so much unsupervised time I can finally do what I want with my day. 

Take lunch as the finest example of what I mean. I meet multiple people for lunch every day. Old friends, dear friends, and random acquaintances who might be able to help me one day dine at Rao’s. They don’t have to know that I’ve already eaten lunch at 11 AM and again at 1 when we sit down together at 3. It’s not my concern what they think when I’m chewing on bread sticks and the lemon in my water glass, having arrived perfectly sated. 

Given all the free time the pandemic has afforded the most privileged among us, obtaining two jobs is the least imaginative of all. Are you going to coordinate vacations or work nonstop until the lawsuit? I stick to lunch and “best friends.” The more people who believe you are their one true best friend, the better. 

I drink tea in the morning alongside coffee. Why not? I have the time. I shower at sunup and bathe in the evening. How come? It can’t hurt. I drive a car to work and a bicycle for exercise. Huh? It helps me unwind. I consume cornichons and large pickles. The list goes on and on. 

I sure have the time. Don’t you? 

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