Monday, April 11, 2022


Today in the USA, most PPL can’t resist the urge to abbreviate ASAP. FWIW and IMO but FYI, they prefer to use this shorthand to communicate with everyone from CEO on down. But there are SNAFUS. Misinterpretations of common expressions that happen 24/7. WFH could mean you’re lounging in your living room or working from the nether region known for its humidity and hooved demons. It’s not clear to me that OOO means one’s on a relaxing vacation or having just been rescued from a dangerous rip tide. Nothing quite like those first gasps once out of the ocean. 

This is what has been known as FUBAR since about the second World War. It’s all well and good to refer to presidents like JFK and FDR by their initials. But what do we do for someone without a middle name like our nation’s first president? GFW, perhaps? BLT works fine at a deli, but you can’t then add avocado, hold the tomato and ask for an edible bread bowl. 

I’m not content to LOL or TTYL when I can just as easily GAG (guffaw and gag) or simply WAIT (write about in ten years). I don’t have FOMO when my nature is to have GOOD (God or others dance). Your job isn’t to LMK when you’re probably better off SAD (squeezing a date – to be clear, we’re talking about fruit). Why take the SATs when life itself is a TEST (tortured expressions soured by toddlers). 

And don’t LMK what you think either until you’ve considered SCAM (self-censoring another mistake).

-OBM (ordinary blog man)

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