So this thing happened. It doesn’t matter what this thing was. Because I already have a ready-made response to it. And no, before you ask, it has nothing to do with empathy or compassion. I don’t have to know any details. I simply have to know that it’s a thing. And like all things, it lines up with my natural thing-response.
Which, if I’m being honest, is nice and convenient the way things always seem to work out. Take anything, anywhere, at any time and I’ll know precisely what to say. Things aren’t that different. Why should they be? They’re all things, after all. Why can’t I see one thing here and another thing over there and say the exact same thing for both? The world isn’t so complicated when you reduce it to its inherent thingness.
Take this thing the other day. I won’t go into specifics, because they are irrelevant. I’ll say only this. It proves what I’ve been saying all along about things. Three paragraphs in, I bet you’re pretty curious. I’ll bite.
It’s a God thing. Happy now? God has a plan, okay? He sees it and he does his thing. Actually, he is more of a doer than a watcher. Although, he does that as well. To me, monotheism makes sense because it’s one guy versus a bureaucratic apparatus of lesser deities. Plus, you don’t have to know anything about any one thing. It always goes back to him.
He did it. He thought it. He made it. It’s his thing and we’re invited to participate, but there isn’t much for us to do. I sleep better this way. There’s no parsing things or figuring things out. I know things before they happen. Not like I’m some sort of soothsayer, but my inklings are stronger and my instincts are stronger.
You might think I’m unique in my belief system, arcane as it seems. But there are others who worship a singular force, watching as everything circles their preferred drain. This just happens to be mine and I just happen to be right.
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