Friday, July 28, 2023

With A Little Help From Man’s Best Friend


Many humans need animals to assist them throughout the day. But it’s not just blind or crazy people anymore bringing a working pet into a place of business. The truth is, the rest of us could sure use a little help. 


Unemotional Support Dog

Like it’s opposite, this particular beast is meant to roust you into clarity, ignoring your concerns, dismissing your fears, and not really being there. 


Spiritual Support Dog

Not all dogs are religious. The Catholic Church still won’t let dogs become priests.


Paranormal Support Dog

Goblins under your bed? Ghosts in your closet? Throw this pup a bone.


Financial Support Dog

Making a living isn’t easy. Sometimes you’re not the breadwinner and neither is your significant other. In such a situation, you better hope your dog is. 


Artificial Support Dog

You think it can’t happen? 


Athletic Support Dog

This should not be confused with an Athletic Supporter Dog, a canine used in place of a padded jock strap. These pooches are often better sports than most of your peers. 

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