Friday, September 13, 2024

Dr Jekyll and Dr Jekyll

Not too deep within the shallow outcroppings of your soul exists a creaky lever, that when pulled, welcomes a totally new personality. It’s something reasonable people only use under extreme duress. Should an actual emergency require such a change, it’s there waiting in your psyche, powered by adrenaline and other unmentionables.


Tragically, many people consider a cocktail, vape pen or a psychedelic retreat a viable excuse to broaden one’s horizons. Your horizons can only be so broad. We damned athletes for performance enhancing drugs, the same moral judgment should be applied to personality enhancing ones. 

You shouldn’t change from therapy or long conversations with friends. Not for someone who had an extra martini at a charity golf outing and warns all the waiters, “say goodbye to Jake and hello to Big Joey.” 


Multiple personalities are something best left to those diagnosed with the eponymous disorder.


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