Friday, September 20, 2024

Interview: Phil A. Buster


Most interviews are, if not like pulling teeth, they bear some resemblance to ancient dentistry. This is especially so when talking to politicians of any stripe. Phil A. Buster is a talking head, a seasoned pol and an elected official. Given what’s going on all around us from now until November, I wanted to finally dive into the seedy world of politics with a bona fide expert. 


MTP: Who are you voting for?


PAB: It’s interesting really, the thought and then the decision. On the one hand you have a man, and on the other you have a woman. But both are people, human beings, homo sapiens. We’ve all – all of us including you and me – have come a long way since those sweaty days in Olduvai Gorge. To be here, to be talking to you is nothing short of a miracle. What we’ve gone through, winding across the continents, rivers and streams, mountains and land bridges. It’s a beautiful thing. Because people are people. Sometimes I think of my dogs as people, and in certain key aspects they are more human than us. More loyal, even kinder. What listeners they can be. They know, maybe not what to say, but how to act when you need them. It’s winding, wending. We took a circuitous route to get here. It wasn’t always direct or first class. Speaking of which, I sometimes wish I was alive during the heyday of rail travel. The Orient Express without any murders. That was a way to go places. You can see where you’re going. In a plane, sure you get some views, but mostly it’s clouds and that’s only if you travel at certain times or day and have a window seat. Which as we know, is not the seat you want. I’m an aisle man. I need the extra room to swing my leg before the food cart rumbles through the cabin. Now is it a great place to walk around and get your steps in? Maybe not. But it’s worked for me. I’m sorry, I got off on a few tangents. Did I answer your question? 


MTP: Thanks for your time.

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