Monday, September 16, 2024

Too many cooks?

“Too many cooks in the kitchen.” This is a frequent chorus from a project mired in the muck of group dynamics. Is it really the main concern? I like cooks. I want cooks in the kitchen. That’s where they belong. The number itself doesn’t particularly interest me. 

I object to non-cooks in the kitchen. Leaning against appliances or commenting on the wainscotting. Plumbers, electricians, baton twirlers and lion tamers. Standing around and obstructing foot paths is better than that. 

Cooks belong in kitchens. Too many kitchens are full of gawkers and oglers, obscurers and loiterers. A group of confused individuals committed to getting involved in the preparation of a dish. Have you tried this? Have you tried that? What’s the deal with saffron? It doesn’t help the meal. Eating is not a substitute for cooking. You eat to live, you cook to make a living. And therein lies the difference. 


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