Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Kanye Pest

The prevailing thought among mocktail-swilling futurists is that as technology progresses, devices will become smaller and smaller. It doesn’t take that much schooling to make predictions like this. Back in the fifties, computers took up entire rooms and they still lacked the power of the worst iPhone. But more than modern tech changes over time. We change, too.

Maybe not us exactly. Famous people. Actors. Musicians. Television hosts. And it’s not simply a matter of Botox injections finally going awry. There’s that, but there’s more than that, too. Celebrities who reach their peak at a young age get exponentially more annoying over time. They go from household name to household nuisance in a matter of years. Part of the issue is that we know too much.

Irritability sells. It always has. Yes, shark attacks and grizzly bear mailings get the biggest headlines, but it was mosquitos, after all, who pushed the masterminds behind the Panama Canal to the brink of sanity. Today, few even talk about what a toll it took, the double bill of yellow fever and malaria. It’s like The Beatles and the Rolling Stones sharing a stage. Most failed to realize they were witnessing history, too busy slapping their forearms and itching in vain. After all that hard work and turmoil, how many people can spell isthmus, let alone know what one is? And don’t get me started on pronunciation. 

In 2022, relevance is synonymous with annoyance. Keep bothering people day in and day out and you’ll never be too far from the public’s eye. We tend to forget about major predators. But pests? They will be with us for a long, long time. When it comes to celebs going the pest route, we’re just scratching the surface.

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