Thursday, March 3, 2022

Real Deals

What’s a real country? Since some countries seem awfully secure and then one day, they’re gone. The Ottoman Empire comes to mind, as does The Kingdom of Two Sicilies. Then there’s the Soviet Union. Nothing left to CCCP here. And one of what came before or after are real in any sense of the word. Frankly, the word real isn’t real, ruined by reality programming for all time.

These places are carved up pieces of land, arbitrarily divided and divvied. That doesn’t mean you can’t still enjoy the views. Whether you cut your sandwich diagonally like a good Barcelonian, or perfectly in half like a simple plains stater, it’s possible both taste delicious. Although, some people don’t cut their food at all, choosing to consume in one heaping helping. For them, there is no hope. 

But not being real is no reason to criticize ,or God forbid, hurt someone. If that was the case, Los Angeles would be a place replete with insults and meanness. Instead, it’s a place of empty except empty compliments. A vacuous vacuum of banalities. Think of all the fake people waking around Hollywood lots, with their fake faces, fake eyebrows, fake busts, fake nails, fake resumes, and fake personalities. Faking it is a key part of success. 

Am I supposed to be outraged when I discover a friend’s house is not made from a rare tree but instead from synthetic material manufactured in Bayonne? I think not. 

What would be a real land? Some might say Pangaea, the old supercontinent. But look at how that turned out. Its break up wasn’t exactly seamless. What are earthquakes if not a strike against the status quo? Plus, how do we know dinosaurs didn’t have names for where they roamed? They didn’t call home, "Arizona."

What’s real anyway? 

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