Tuesday, February 28, 2023



Within the long, storied history of cartooning, there’s a subset of comic strips that though they reside in the (un)funny pages, never approach anything resembling comedy. For these keepers of the inane, jokes are rarely if ever the point. The brains behind the operation are there to make societal swipes, political digs, and something amounting to “miscellaneous commentary.”

The one thing they don’t want is for you to laugh. There’s an old saying in comedy, that the goal is always tears. You could be in hysterics or sobbing out of abject boredom. Your ducts don’t know, even if you do. 

Over the years, there have been many highlights. From the preternaturally boring and moral reprobate, Garry Trudeau, defending suicide murderers to Mallard Fillmore failing to produce so much as an involuntary chuckle. 

However, nothing compares to Dilbert. It is what people call a double threat. Bad art and bad writing. You may not like the cartooning of South Park, but few people dismiss their point of view. Dilbert is different. 

It’s the worst of both worlds. 

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