Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Tone deafness


When you call someone tone deaf, please think first. Think of what you’re saying. Think of what you’re implying. Think of how it comes across. You’re insulting them, which is never good. The only conclusion a casual observe could draw from what you’re saying is that a cabinet full of stainless steel pots careening off the linoleum floor make better melodies than they do.

You’re calling out their tone deafness, which is really something, when you consider how offensive and outdated a term it really is. Sorry, but we prefer the differently toned. Or the tonally impaired. Not since Pete Townshend became obsessed with arcade games has the word deaf taken hold. And that was over fifty years ago. 

Times have changed. People aren’t tone deaf anymore, okay? Nor are they dense since that ruffles the feathers of the mathematically inclined. They can’t be obtuse either, for the same geometric reasons. 

If they can’t be deaf, then they can’t be blind. And Even myopia misses the mark.  Ultimately, the tone deaf are people, like you and I. Except they self-censor a bit less.

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