Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Shop Till Your Drop


When movie theaters first noticed a drop off in customers, they tried to entice people with non-movie related benefits. Food, drink, and comfortable seats. The only trouble was the real reason for going to the movies were the movies. And those have gone downhill for years. Unless you like CGI, spandex, and non-descript wannabe celebrities parachuting in (sometimes literally) as superheroes. No one goes to the cinema because of the food or the furniture.

However, it got me wondering, what if a business that gave you everything you already want suddenly decided to give you a little more. Grocery shopping is necessary part of life, but why can’t it also be fun and relaxing. 

What I’m proposing is not a food court at your local Whole Foods, but a second floor of fantasy suites built around different foods. Shopping can be exhausting, especially when it involves lifting enormous mangoes and watermelons. Shouldn’t there be a chaise lounge somewhere or a private room to catch some post-fruit shuteye? I certainly think so. 

Instead of shopping on Friday night for dinner, why not make a weekend of it? You could start in the produce section and end up in the penthouse. Yes, there will be a kitchenette, but you could leave your groceries outside your door with a recipe request, so someone else cooks you dinner (but with your ingredients). I think it’s a revolutionary idea. 

Give people more than they need. Going to the grocery store will become a euphemism for abandoning one’s responsibilities. That’s a reasonable trade-off when compared to the hours spent smelling herbs in a futile attempt to distinguish parsley from cilantro. 

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