Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Can You Write in Discursive?

The (this is the wrong article, not an article rooted in an outrageous headline leaping off your screen, begging for a mindless click, but “a” is “the” more appropriate article because the latter adds a level of undeserved magnitude to the sentence’s famed protagonist) quick (allegedly quick I should add, since I never saw him outrun a typical ground squirrel during an impromptu park side sprint, those races between two imbeciles looking for something to hang their hats on amid a life in total disarray, because athletic competitions between strangers sometimes dulls the pain of abject failure permeating every decision, so it’s a way of sleeping while still awake) brown (not a chestnut hued, bark tinted, mud colored, dirt covered, copper tanned, beige tainted, amber dyed, sienna burned, but just regular ol’ brown with possibly a hint of red) fox not a person who’s famous for their erotic allure) jumps (though lame, in both senses, leaping was a preferred mode of movement, even if lunging was more fitting their overall disposition) would be leaping) over (careful to not say, above, since that would be as elitist as under would be patronizing) the (here we go again) lazy (it’s a crude stereotype to imply lethargy of any kind, though lack of education is quite common in the canine contingent) dog (best friend, good friend, not really a friend, but more of an acquaintance, either way someone who you’d clink glasses against in an awkward moment at a cocktail party despite the openness they licked themselves). 

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