Thursday, May 25, 2023

Stop, Migrate and Listen


My family has been wintering in Florida since the days of Ponce de Leon, when the fountain of youth meant more than getting cosmetic surgery in downtown Miami. We’d do all the normal things. Hit the beach, hit the clubs, enjoy overpriced food with a view of the ocean. You have no idea what worms cost down there. But it was worth it – then. 

It’s not that geese are inherently political. Most of us live in the northeast but keep a residence in Florida for tax purposes. We can’t vote, but you’d be surprised at how much the government demands of us. Dealing with the FAA is enough to make the sanest bird go penguin. 

Now, Florida is caught up in a culture war that none of us want any part in. We just want free rein to defecate over what’s often dubbed flyover country. We don’t want any problems from rogue pilots. We’re not here to get in battles with overgrown cartoon rodents. When a friend heard about the censorship issues in the sunshine state, most of us assumed it was a new type of cruise ship. It still could be, ya know? 

Given what’s happening to the climate, I might stay in New York all year round. You’d be surprised at how accommodating a street rat can be. I know what you’re thinking, what does he know, he’s Canadian. 

You may have a point. I just hope you don’t have a rifle.  

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