Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Power Dotage

The little I consume of political news, the more and more I read regarding the age and acuity of our governmental overseers. Many have expressed serious concern about certain members of congress and elsewhere lacking even a loose grip on reality.

I’m not too concerned. 

Here’s the thing. Name a single politician who, on their best day, can muster up anything remotely approaching a coherent thought. Gone are the days of the Churchillian orators, the Lincolnian speechwriters, and those with Rooseveltian flare. I would trust a demented senator over someone in office with a clean bill of mental health. While many in congress discuss policy like someone experiencing head trauma, many of them are young and apparently vibrant. That’s what I’m worried about. 

I subscribe to the horseshoe theory of stupidity. When in proximity to being a complete imbecile, the platonic idiot as it were, the closer you actually are to genius. 

One last thing. Politicians don’t do anything. They don’t make pass laws. They call press conferences. I believe the rampant senility within the government says more about the robustness of our democracy than a class of wide-eyed twentysomethings ever could. Dodder away, I say. 

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