Thursday, May 11, 2023

Is it okay to hate bad art made by good people?

This is a question many have struggled with over the years. So you hate their art, can you also hate them? This list is a test of that principle. 

Dave, 46, is an amateur sculptor living in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn. Good guy, great father, wonderful husband, terrible artist. One dear friend remarked upon seeing Dave’s take on a modern birdbath that he felt bad for the birds.

Rachel, 28, gives to charity, donates her free time to a nearby soup kitchen, but can’t draw faces. 

Marjorie, 72, tends to a community garden, loves singing, but can’t carry a tune. 

Jake, 14, is a neighborhood dog walker and yet, among the world’s worst dancers.

Barry, 55, adopts every animal and shouldn’t be within one hundred yards of a kiln. 


But can you hate these people despite their good works for their artistic atrocities? I say yes. You can and should. 

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