Friday, May 19, 2023

The Truth about this Blog


You may notice at the beginning of this sentence that the quality of this blog is in decline. The reason, you may have guessed, is that my team of writers is striking. Are striking? This is what I mean. Ordinarily, I put my name on the masthead here and let this group take control. They are diverse in every way imaginable, except intelligence, for they are true geniuses who come up with things that no man or bot could. 


The accusation that I don’t pay them a living wage is partially true. I give them what I call a “death wage.” That moniker was of course not written by me, but one of them during their bi-monthly salary day diatribe. 


I need writers to keep this blog up and running. They provide me with experiences, stories, typos, and jokes. Like most people who claim to write, I hate writing and would prefer to pay others to do it. No lesser individual than John F. Kennedy engaged in this practice. What I like to call a profile in convenience. Who am I without a team of underpaid Ted Sorensens?


You might not have realized that it takes twelve to fifteen people to write a daily blog. But it does. Together, they make a fine living. I’ve encouraged them to live in the same house and pitch their daily goings-on to networks as a quasi-reality program. With me naturally serving as the executive producer.

I can't do this blog alone, which is why I don't. I am not striking because I'm not technically a writer, more of a storyteller-content curator. You can't get more of the same without doing more of the same. 

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