Friday, January 6, 2023

At Wit's End


How about Kanye West, folks? More like Kanye career-going-south.

Let me be the first to say that daylight savings time is annoying. When did we all develop a kinship with rural farmers? 

What’s the deal with working from home? More like not home from working, am I right?

I was reading an interesting article yesterday. No, wait, I was listening to an interesting podcast. No, I was actually reading an interesting podcast description. Well, to be honest, I was listening to someone describe an interesting podcast on another podcast. Okay, so really, a friend I very much respect was telling me about this subject. Not a friend per se, but a celebrity who does a lot of speaking in public. Anyway, it was about 

I’m a big proponent of gentrification. Why? Because I consider myself a real gent. 

There’s a lot of discussion about the pronunciation of “GIF.” But does anyone say “me me” when the mean “meme?” I say it because I consider every piece of content solely for me. 

What kind of name is “Elon” anyway? No joke here, just a question. 

January 6th was two years ago today. It was also a year ago today. And three years ago today. And four years ago today. As well as fifty and hundred and three hundred and fifty. Time sure is something, huh? 

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