Friday, January 27, 2023

Everyone's a comic

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender says, “we don’t serve his kind.” The jockey hops off the saddle, offended at the equine slight and begins berating the bartender, “what you do mean, ‘his kind?’ My horse has just a right as anyone to drink at this establishment.” The bartender responds, “Excuse me, I was talking to the horse.”  

@doohickeydave321: A mule walks into a bar. The bartender says, “we don’t serve your kind.” The mule responds, “But I saw a Prius drinking in here just yesterday.”

@tinafromelmira: A hoarse man walks into a bar but the bartender can’t hear him and just ignores him until he leaves. 

@thecaptainofinfamy: A horse passes the bar and starts clerking with an appellate court judge. 

@thunderclack23: A horse walks into a playhouse. The bartender says, "Equus closed last week."

@lieutenantmoron: A horse walks into a FUBAR. The bartender says, "who's your superior officer?" 

@technocrat1776: A horse walks into a session of congress. The bartender says, "all opposed say, nay, not neigh." The horse says, "what if I'm favor of this piece of legislation?"

@jokemaker: A horse walks into a beret and the bartender says, “excusez-moi?”

@notdostoevskysidiot: A bar walks into a horse and the bartender says, “you must be dyslexic.” 

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