Monday, January 2, 2023

2023: Year in Review

It seems like last year was only yesterday. But in fact, it was two days ago. Boy does time fly when you’re sitting on your hands staring into the persistent glow of a generic computer screen. My New Year’s resolution was to be more mindful of time and not procrastinate. That’s why I’ve decided to put together a list that most people leave until late December. I’m getting on top of it early. Some might say, “too early.” Only time will tell.

Best Day of the Year

I’d have to go with yesterday (January 1st), since it was a full day and in the city the sky was blue and the weather was quite temperate. 

Best Meal

Last night’s dinner was good. Leftovers, yes, but good ones at that. 

Best TV Show

I don’t have a TV. 

Best Movie

I haven’t watched any movies yet, at least not all the way through. I am about halfway through the mediocre Sean Connery vehicle, “Presidio,” starring Mark Harmon of NCIS fame. It’s not good. But if you’re like me and despise the topography of San Francisco, it’s great to see sparks flying from a getaway car’s undercarriage. 

Best Podcast

I’m a radio man. You should know that.

Quote of the Year

“Can we get please get rid of our Christmas tree?”

Best Book

2023 was the year people stopped read once and for all. 

Things That Didn’t Live up to the Hype

Spring and summer.

Biggest Trend

Doing things earlier than expected. Like say, this list.

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