Wednesday, January 25, 2023



It’s sad what’s happened to the United States Congress. This used to be a place full of moral giants like John C. Calhoun, unwaveringly loyal Americans like Samuel Dickstein and funny names like Newt Gingrich. In other words, it was a place that mattered. Once unsullied, now, not so much.  


Yes, this is still a place with intellectual heft usually reserved for the soiled cages of the Bronx Zoo. The only reason you don’t know what a kangaroo thinks about raising the debt ceiling is because you haven’t asked.


Many people want term limits. Not me. I want anyone elected to congress to be forced to stay there in perpetuity. The last thing I want is to see one of these ex-pols making me a sandwich at a deli or driving my next Uber. These aren’t exactly people cut out for the real world, real jobs, or real work. Let them play dress up in Washington. But as far as institutions go, may I suggest a certain white jacket for them to wear? I have a feeling many members would fit right in. 

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