Monday, February 5, 2024

Defuncty Town


Apparently, Sports Illustrated is going away and many journalists are mourning its demise daily. It’s a shame, a sin, or something even greater. Can you imagine a world without Sports Illustrated


Well, I can. Since I haven’t had a subscription to the magazine in years, I can do it quite easily. But the culture really is poorer when a single publication of diminishing standards finally calls it quits? Perhaps. What about when Mademoiselle hung up those stilettos for good? How about when McClure’s threw their letterpresses into cold storage? Or when the good folks at the Partisan Review tossed hammers and sickles into a raging bonfire? 


Or what about magazines are still technically around but you wouldn’t really know it by perusing TikTok. Like say, The Saturday Evening Post or Esquire, once titans of the industry, now reduced to the margins of a post-it note. Is Banksy our Norman Rockwell? I hope not.

While dinosaurs have been extinct for 65 million years, The Dinosaur Times has been in the past sense for about three decades already. Where does the time go? 

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