Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Lost and Not so Profound


Lots of places have a “lost and found.” It’s where gloves, hats, and electronic devices go when their owner’s carelessly misplace them. But there’s something very wrong here. “Win and found” makes a lot more sense. 

Some may say it's not yours. But whose is it then? It's not theirs. Someone has to win and someone definitely has to lose.


Think about it. It’s winter. This winter. It’s cold. Very cold. And you need a wool sweater before braving the frosty elements. Have you tried looking in the “lost and found?” While there you may find other items to your liking. Things people have tossed off, forgotten, or totally ignored. You have a few sweaters to choose from. Why not take both? Is that an iPad? The hat for my favorite team? You can find a new wardrobe and a new sense of self in the “lost and found.”


It sure sounds like a win to me. 


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