Thursday, February 22, 2024

Uniformity of Thought


When I was a kid, my school had a dress code. Because it was important to not only think the same, but also look the same. It’s why I’ve been puzzled by the baseball uniform controversy brewing in towns across the country, as the national pastime’s thaw begins to take hold in the waning moments of winter. I don’t get it. 

Players, fans, and what could only be described as “other” have been complaining about the baseball uniforms debuting this season. Apparently, it’s a big deal. Now, I don’t like uniforms. I don’t wear them; I don’t approve of them. That goes for fans and players alike. You’re quite literally putting a target on your back. If you’re under the age of 6, I might consider giving you a pass. But that’s only if I’m feeling generous and the Christmas spirit has long passed. 

The uniform discussion obscures a bigger sartorial situation, namely, that you don’t need them. Professional athletes should be able to dress anyway they want to perform. I prefer street clothes and would never turn down a chance to wear linen in public. But that’s just me. Some may like suits, fleece body socks, or any number of numbers. I’d love to see a shortstop diving for a line drive in the finest denim. The differences between the current uniforms and whatever the teams chose previous season is hard to fathom.

Most players make a good living and should be able to afford their own uniforms. Thatcould be a nice start. 

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