Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Dan, Would You Rather


Would you rather report in a warzone or from the swanky apartment of friends living on Central Park West?


Would you rather anchor a national nightly news show or surreptitiously drop anchor from Walter Cronkite’s favorite yacht?


Would you rather interview a third world warlord wearing armor piercing bullets over their shoulder like a sling or a supermodel wearing ironically revealing camouflage?  


Would you rather work in a newsroom that allowed smoking or the microwaving of leftover fish?


Would you rather spill coffee on an important story or Chinese food? 


Would you rather bring up the Kennedy assassination at a cocktail party or Vietnam? 


Would you rather pronounce a Russian surname or explain cryptocurrency? 


Would you rather admit you got something wrong or stake your entire career on a set of clearly fabricated documents?

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