Monday, April 15, 2024

Unlucky Ol' Sun


I didn’t want to harshly criticize eclipse enthusiasts, traveling far and wide just for a casual glimpse at the sky. But now that the clouds have settled, I feel I must, especially given what’s transpired since.

You would’ve thought these people had never cared much about the sun before. Their affection for the planet’s literal lifeforce was limited to a few eclipses that you simply must witness. I’m not here to criticize eclipses, that would be, even for me, a bit much.


I can’t help but feel that many of these folks are fair-weather sun chasers, focused on the rarest of celestial events, ignoring the daily beauty. Have these people ever seen a good ol’ fashioned sunset? How about an early morning sunrise? Both happen every single day and I happen to love them. Twice a day, we get the sun taking center stage. Plus, they are the vehicle of most beautiful days, at the beach, at the park, at the ballpark.


The sun does so much, it should be appreciated more than, oh I dunno, once every eighty years. Is that too much to ask? Like say, every day. It’d be a small step toward reconciliation.    

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