Thursday, April 4, 2024

Eating Cro: Part 1



I’ve watched as bakers everywhere have taken the flaky croissant to greater heights, both in terms of pastry and linguistics. For every new item on your plate, we get a new portmanteau. First, there was the cronut, then came the cruffin, and now the crookie. But a question remains: Have we truly pushed the boundaries of buttery lamination? 




As a proud non-baker, I feel that I have something valuable and objective to offer those devoting their professional lives to waking pre-dawn and sweating in front of an infernal oven. I wouldn’t expect bakers to think as globally as I have. Because croissants, with myriad layers, provide ample room to expand and delight the savvy breakfaster. 


There is another frontier beyond the glass display, out where only lunatics reside. This is where baking must go to stay relevant. Why? The rest of society has already gone there. They no longer have a viable excuse to steer clear of madness… 

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