Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Scrabble rousers


For too long, Scrabble™ has broken up families, destroyed friendships, and wrecked entire communities. The subject of vocabulary is a sensitive one. No one wants to admit they just gave up a Triple World Score to Grandpa in his supposed golden age senility. But often, that’s exactly what happens. The game has too often singled out those who haven't mastered the English language. And how is that fair? There are other languages, you know?  


The reasons this has ruined whole portions of polite society is because at the end of every Scrabble match there is a winner and a bunch of losers. No more. It’s not entirely accurate to say that “everybody wins” now, but it’s certainly true that “nobody loses.” Unless you’re a great player and this new development might force you to dig the chess board out of the crawlspace. 


Who needs to score. I would like to change the rules to diminish the strain of competition further. Every square is a potential letter. Who’s to say a word is spelled a certain way? Noah Webster? Enough of that. Whatever you put down has a right to be on the board. It’s not fair to look at something solely through the prism of a printed dictionary. Let’s encourage people to grab letters in the ways they speak. This way, people who can’t even read can participate and find joy in the contest. 


Let’s keep the conversation going, goineg, and gooning.

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