Wednesday, April 17, 2024



Over the years, many people have enlisted my help in making sense of fashion trends. Especially those that seize the populace like a virus, changing nearly everything about someone. From how they dress, to who they are. 


If you really want to understand the state of fashion, just head to the airport. This is a place that was once an event, where people dressed up for the privilege of taking a flight. Now, it’s beyond dressing down, with travelers donning everything from gym clothes to pajamas. The schlubiness of modern fashion has taken hold of our minds, as much as our closets. 


Apathy is only represented by a uniform, whereas it must be cemented through a mental shift as well. You can’t just look the part of the yoga pant, visor and flip-flopping buffoon. You start watching the worst things on television. You discuss the contents on your salad bowl with strangers and loved ones. And you really start to let things go. Mirrors aren’t impediments, but accelerants, fueling these attire absurdities. 


That’s the key. While society begins not to care, to lose interest, to le things slip, someone has to be there to step in. my role. To paraphrase William F. Buckley, a fashion critic is comeone who stands athwart airport gates, yelling stop – change your outfit, you look like a schlub – at a time when no one else is inclined to do so. 

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