Friday, April 5, 2024

Eating Cro: Part 2



This is something every dining room needs. An edible table with flaky legs and the succulence of a Cornish game hen. 



In the same vein, there are few additions to the mealtime experience than ingesting your seating.



Most people think that driving fast is the point of driving. Not for those who have the privilege of eating their way out of a traffic ticket. Sorry officer, but you can’t make out my plate, since I just had the extreme pleasure of inhaling it in one massive bite. 



Many young women search under rocks for the perfect man. The perfect husband. But what if they were looking in all the wrong places. I’m here to say, unequivocally, that they were. Crusbands allow every wife to enjoy a healthy, albeit slightly buttery relationship, until things get stale and call for a toaster oven. 



I thought I understand this game with the mallets. But only recently have I come to the sad realization that its lack of breakfast pastry has made it one of the greatest lies since the Nixon administration. A croquet match needs croissants. How else is a person supposed to endure it?



All the AI naysayers fail to appreciate that for machines to transcend man, they must be tasty. That is what, for me, the crobot represents, in all his kneaded glory.  

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