Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Wack Jobs

As this young year grows ever so older, more and more people are quitting their jobs. The issue is that a good portion of them are doing so for new positions boasting very little real in terms of change. All they’re doing is swapping one boring job for another. If we lived in a culture where wack jobs were valued over other types of jobs, this is one predicament we’d skip right past.

You’d be forgiven for thinking that wack jobs are people. Those wild-eyed psychos, standing on the hood of a car not their own, ranting, raving, and railing against whatever crosses their path. Be it flock of seagulls or a stack of unmarked c-notes. But that’s the old type of wack job, the type our grandfather warned us about before heading for the mall to toss pennies into an overflowing coin fountain.

These new wack jobs are different. They are occupations where little or no thought is given to them. By employer or employee. They put freedom first. The freedom to take a five hour lunch, dip paint chips in hummus, or construct the world’s largest rubber band without any protective eye gear. Wack jobs give a person the ability to make the most or least out of their position. Ambition is not a requirement. Nor is productivity. The only thing that matters in wack jobs is the story you tell the next day. “Can you believe Steve tried to walk down the elevator shaft and climb up the stairs?” 

The truth is that any job can become a wack job with the right hire. This goes for everyone and everything. From president on down, the person makes the position. 

When the day finally comes to quit your wack job, you don't do it with a polite phone call or e-mail. You do it without shame and usually when done right, it involves the disrobing and calling security. It should be a Broadway production in its theatricality. What's wonderful is that quitting a wack job like this will help you get your next wack job. Because help isn’t always all that’s wanted. 

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