Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Framing Devices

What does it meant to be innocent? Is it merely a person who acquits themselves well enough while on trial to receive a much appreciated not guilty verdict? That could be the case. I say “could be” because innocence and guilt aren’t as simple to separate as wetness and dryness. With those two major parts of any civilized situation, you can determine it by looking at someone’s hair, clothes or grabbing their material for confirmation of pre or post-wash bliss. 

In our own way, we’re all innocent of many things. More things than we even know. Then again, we’re also quite guilty of a great number of other things. Things other people don’t seem to realize. These are things that rarely rise to the level of criminality. No one is purely guilty or innocent. This makes the job of law enforcement incredibly easy. The reason they can scare you during a sudden interrogation is that you’ve done something. Maybe a different thing or a weird thing, but you’re not innocent. Then again, neither are they. 

But framing devices help center you. On the web as on the street. Yes, it’s true we hang pictures. But we used to hang people when verdicts were a tad simpler. And honestly, we still hang out all the time. For most, it’s their main mode of socializing. So at least linguistically, there’s something to all this routine hanging. To frame someone you need a level, a nail, a hammer, and a few extra screws should things go awry. How can you hope to turn the screws on someone without any?

Planting evidence is understandably frowned upon. But there is something beautiful about it. It’s like creating art from thin air. We plant gardens, don’t we? We hope to see them grow into a fully formed bastions of botanical beauty, boasting a big ol’ seedbed and rarefied herb section. The trunk, the dash, the pockets of cargo shorts are all suitable places for planting.

Framing might not be to your liking in the beginning. Just give it time. It’ll grow on you.  

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