Thursday, September 9, 2021

The Autumn Windbag


The Autumn Windbag is a moron,

Blustering in from TV,

Constantly wrong, he drones along,

Yammering incoherently.

His collar is vermin-eaten,

He wears a bag of trash,

With a tinfoil hat above his head,

Spewing some balderdash.

He groans as he opines dumbly,

A pundit’s brain of mold.

And the producers shake and quiver and fake,

As he embodies the perfect scold.

The Autumn Windbag is a nitwit,

Pontificating just for fun.

He’ll embarrass himself and act like a bum,

And cry when he’s cancelled and done. 

*With apologies to the late Steve Sabol and the great John Facenda. 

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