Thursday, September 8, 2022

Double Threats


There are people, most of them baseball nerds, who seem to think that Shohei Ohtani is the only multi-talented person walking the earth. He’s a pitcher and a hitter and there’s nary an article written about him that doesn’t trumpet his dual abilities. 

The troubling thing is that he’s a special guy, but he’s far from alone. You don’t have to look far. I remember reading that Russell Crowe was in a band. He’s not the only actor to sing. Or the only singer to act. So there you go, right here, you have an oscar-winner willing to stand in the beer soaked stages. I heard Ethan Hawke writes novels in his spare time. Just like Stacey Abrams. Harrison Ford enjoys landing small aircrafts in interesting places. Even Stalin wrote poetry when he had a break from the politburo. Kim Jong-Il was a totalitarian dictator and a world-class cineaste. Talk about a double threat. It certainly didn’t make things easy on film critics. 

I may be a writer, but few people realize that I also happen to be a great dancer. And that’s without any formal training.  

You see? Ohtani isn’t even that special since both of his supposed skills are within the same game. He’s still a baseball player. How about picking up the French horn or some watercolors? Then I’d be impressed. 

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