Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Vibes-Based Avionics

I’ve been a pilot for a major US airline for years now. What most people don’t realize is that I don’t actually have a pilot license and have a rudimentary understanding of the scientific principles that has allowed mankind to ascend into the clouds. However, that hasn’t stopped me from steering countless jets coast-to-coast, across the pond, and elsewhere.

That’s because the FAA no longer requires the old ways of flying. As long as the alternative is positive and empowering, there’s nothing they can do about it. 

When I see something on radar, I ask my co-pilot, “what does it feel like?” This is an important point of departure for us. Pretty much all other airlines will ask their pilots and crew to consult their instruments. Not us. 

I always tell friends that I’ve never had the pleasure of spotting a U.F.O. They usually seem pretty surprised and disappointed, since my background ought to give me a leg up. But then I explain that I’ve seen numerous flying objects other pilots might deem unidentifiable. 

Before takeoff, I never consult weather report and no one has ever referred to me as “Doppler Boy.” I go with my gut, which depends on what’s for dinner as well as my astrological sign. I used to light more candles in the cockpit in the old days. Too bad that’s no longer permitted. 

I don’t always get to the assigned destination on time, though I always arrive at a destination at a time. Don’t forget: Flying a plane makes you a pilot. That goes for hijackers and trained zoo animals. When I get in the air, the most important thing is not the weather, the traffic, but the vibes. 

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