Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Weird AI


There are fewer and fewer things that humans do better than technology. This inclues, but isn’t limited to, the holy trinity of washing dishes, gambling, and writing parody songs. With the advent of Weird AI that last example is finally hitting its creative stride. There’s no longer a need for any curly-haired accordion playing polka lovers to take up space on stage. We’re far better off letting a computer do it.

Down at the lab, a crack team of researchers always struggled with Weird Al’s musical output. His songs, for whatever reason, seemed a little off. While we admired the man, listening to his music was akin to riding around in a horse drawn carriage at the dawn twentieth century. We sensed there was a better way. 

You’re going to marvel at the improvements Weird AI has made over the genuine article. We’re still working out the kinks, of course, but the results at this early stage are nothing short of inspiring. Too many jokes go unexplained, sitting out there for the audience to misunderstand. Weird Al has practically made a career off it. Weird AI is off and running. Even overheating sometimes. 

Take the song “Like A Surgeon.” It’s on the right track, but to the team as well as to the technology, there was still something missing. Weird AI went to work and changed it to “Like a Neurosurgeon,” which immediately painted a clearer, more specific picture. You don’t have to wonder what kind of doctor the singer is playing in the accompanying music video. Though Weird Al got tons of recognition from “Eat It,” Weird AI felt that “Beet It” was more in keeping with the original Michael Jackson tune. Plus, there was the added bonus of encouraging the consumption of root vegetables, too ofter overlooked in the annals of popular music. Let's remember, Dylan chose to sing about a rolling stone, not a rolling rutabaga. 

“White & Nerdy,” hasn’t held up over the years either. So Weird AI went in and changed it to “White & On the Spectrum,” capturing the broad swath of nerdom. Weird AI’s goal was to be weird. In fact, it decided to send an email to Mr. Yankovic himself suggesting he change his moniker to Funny Al instead. 

Whatever we humans can do, artificial intelligence software alongside a huge team of PhD candidates can do marginally better. 


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